Organotellurium chemistry in chemistry describes the synthesis and properties of chemical compounds containing a carbon to tellurium chemical bond.[1] Organotellurium chemistry was developed in the wake of organoselenium chemistry and, sharing the same group in the periodic table, both chemistries have much in common. The field receives academic interest but organotellurium compounds rarely venture outside the laboratory. Dimethyl telluride is the only organotellurium compound that has been quantified in environmental samples.[2]
Diphenyl ditelluride is used as a TePh source in organic synthesis. Dimethyl telluride as a product of microbial metabolism first discovered in 1939. it is used in Metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy. Commonly used tellurium based reagents are hydrogen telluride, NaHTe, sodium telluride, PhTeH and PhTeNa.
Reactions with these reagents are:
CH | He | ||||||||||||||||
CLi | CBe | CB | CC | CN | CO | CF | Ne | ||||||||||
CNa | CMg | CAl | CSi | CP | CS | CCl | CAr | ||||||||||
CK | CCa | CSc | CTi | CV | CCr | CMn | CFe | CCo | CNi | CCu | CZn | CGa | CGe | CAs | CSe | CBr | CKr |
CRb | CSr | CY | CZr | CNb | CMo | CTc | CRu | CRh | CPd | CAg | CCd | CIn | CSn | CSb | CTe | CI | CXe |
CCs | CBa | CHf | CTa | CW | CRe | COs | CIr | CPt | CAu | CHg | CTl | CPb | CBi | CPo | CAt | Rn | |
Fr | Ra | Rf | Db | Sg | Bh | Hs | Mt | Ds | Rg | Cn | Uut | Uuq | Uup | Uuh | Uus | Uuo | |
↓ | |||||||||||||||||
CLa | CCe | CPr | CNd | CPm | CSm | CEu | CGd | CTb | CDy | CHo | CEr | CTm | CYb | CLu | |||
Ac | Th | Pa | CU | Np | Pu | Am | Cm | Bk | Cf | Es | Fm | Md | No | Lr |
Core organic chemistry | Many uses in chemistry |
Academic research, but no widespread use | Bond unknown / not assessed |